A typical Sunday:
Our goal for our worship services is that they be warm, friendly, informal times which will inspire God’s people and be helpful for those who are curious about Christianity. In our services we want Jesus to be ‘centre-stage’ in a way that helps people to connect with him. We sing a blend of contemporary worship songs and hymns backed by acoustic music. We enjoy the leadership and musical skill of a variety of worship teams.
Our service style is relaxed, and our congregation is diverse. We are a family of Christ-followers from all kinds of walks of life, and a variety of ethnic backgrounds. We have families from the suburbs, people who live close by, and neighbours experienceing homelessness in the Old Strathcona area who are all part of our SBC family. Whether you prefer to wear suit and tie, or jeans and a t-shirt, you will be sure to feel at home!
Once a month, usually on the first Sunday, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Communion) as part of the service, remembering the significance of Christ’s death on the cross. Anyone and everyone who desires to come to Jesus' table, and receive grace, forgiveness, healing, reconciliation and restoration from him is welcome to participate in Communion. In our Communion service we alternate formats: one month we invite people to come forward to receive and the following month we distribute the elements to the congregation.
The Greenhouse - Our Children's Ministry:
Part-way through the worship service, children ages 3-12 move to the Greenhouse - our Sunday School program.
Coffee after the service:
We invite everyone who attends the worship service on Sunday to stay for a few minutes afterward to connect with people and enjoy coffee, cookies, etc. The coffee time after the service is a good opportunity to get caught up with friends and meet new people.
Community Get-togethers:
Almost monthly we hold a special community event after the Sunday service: Potluck lunches, Lunches in the Community at local area restaurants and others. These are opportunities to eat together, to visit together, and to get to know one another a little better.
If you happen to visit SBC on such a Sunday, we'd love it if you'd join us.